We had anchored several days in Cabo’s Bay. As the HaHa was over some slips opened up in the marina. This beautiful shot was taken by our friend Lowell. He and Linda have a time share that was a 15 minute walk to the marina. We enjoyed Cabo together for many days. The weather, the company ,food, swimming, relaxing were all perfect. The best for us was finally getting them on this boat.
We had worked on the boat and had not taken many sides trips while in Washington. Sometimes you have to go a long way just to sail❤
We provisioned in Cabo taking the busand a taxi home. It is November 18th.
It was time to start going to La Paz for us so we bade a fond farewell to Linda and Lowell and sailed to San Jose Del Cabo. We moored for the night to wait out the weather. Some friends had tried going out and around North towards La Paz that day and ended back at the marina.
Looking at the weather for this 2-1/2, 3 day passage we knew we would be in for one day of “weather”. We actually got 2 days worth. We were beating into the 20-25 knot winds (gusts 27+) and 6/8foot (ocassionaly 12 foot seas) seas with 8 seconds between the waves. High and choppy,our introduction to the Northers. Plunging and righting or hobby horsing type motion, even the 45+foot boats were having this motion.
We had been sailing in this for 8+ hours by the time we anchored just before dark at Los Frailes. Our boat, the garden, and ourselves had a very thick salt layer. Now ladies we do pay big bucks to get a salt glow treatment ,mine today was free😂. Luckily the wind and waves were warm so we had that going for us.
After a quick dinner I went to get our bed ready for the evening as we were pretty tired and it will be another early departure in the morning. During a passage things get stored in the v berth and to my surprise everything is wet. Immediately I think I had just not closed the hatch tight enough. That was not the culprit.
Our bedding and clothes are drenched and our food supply has water in the cabinets. We realize a closed cell foam piece had not been put in place in our anchor locker and also the ports (windows) had leaked. We worked on so many different projects before we left Washington we just didn’t get it all done. We had rebedded 4 of the 8 ports and decided to do the other 4 in Mexico. What an opportunity🤪
So we went to sleep in the salon (like your couch in a living room)knowing a lot of work was in our future. This is November 19th.
Ditto for the next day as far as conditions go although the forecast had called for it easing. We anchor at Muertos pretty tired but we are making our way towards La Paz for Thanksgiving.
The third day the wind and waves have subsided and it is a lot more manageable. We had to really watch the depth and currents along the way. Some of the buoys we expected for reference were not apparent which makes for a bit of excitement. All in all a great day of sailing and we catch our first Mai Mai.
These are colorful fish yet the colors fade instantly. Risto dresses the fish on our fish cutting board that hinges down when not in use. There is even a handy knife rack in the back of this board. He has been anticipating getting his first Mai Mai for a long time.
We decided to anchor at Caleta Lobos a beautiful anchorage just 10 miles away from La Paz. We both had tears of joy remembering our family vacation to La Paz and being in this cove. We are now here on our boat. We spent a leisurely afternoon swimming, cooking our fish and marveling at the colors of the water and landscape. The Sea of Cortez is like the Utah desert by the edge of the colorful Sea, really incredible.
In the morning we motorsail the 10 miles to La Paz it is November 22. We both have realized we broke our cruising code of traveling by boat. Don’t be on a schedule you may pay for it in a lot of ways.